Tuesday 3 September 2013

We're Going On A Rubbish Hunt

                                  Last Monday after lunch,                    
                    Room 6 went for a rubbish hunt around the school.

On the driveway we found 90 pieces of rubbish.

Outside Block A,
(Rooms 7 and 8, the Library
and the Activities Room,)
we found 31 pieces of rubbish.

On the bike track, we found 21 pieces of rubbish.

In the sandpit and the little kids playground,
we found 51 pieces of rubbish.

On the big playing field we found 73 pieces of rubbish.


                  In the big kids playground and the grass beside it, 
                           we found 78 pieces of rubbish.

Outside Block B,
(Rooms 1,2, 3 and 4,)
we found 121 pieces of rubbish.

                     Outside Rooms 5 and 6, on the tennis courts
                               and in the hedge beside it,
                             we found 41 pieces of rubbish.

      When we sorted the rubbish,
             we found … 
           *59 wrappers
           *22 food scraps
           *15 chip packets
           *36 pieces of Gladwrap
           *12 pottles or bottles
           *15 socks
           *145 ‘bits and pieces’

      What can we do about this?


  1. That looks like a lot of rubbish! We would be really interested to know your results if you repeated your experiment. From the Saddleback team

  2. wow that's a lot of rubbish around my class room hope you will have a good result at the end

  3. That is a lot of rubbish. We hope that we have improved with our rubbish around the school. Maybe we should have a big check next week before we go on holiday. :)

  4. Well that's 304 pieces of rubbish!
