Monday 7 October 2013

We're Going On Another Rubbish Hunt

Some people who read about our rubbish hunt on our blog, thought it would be a good idea to do another one, to see if we were taking more care of our school environment. So … we did!

Last time (26th August) on the bike track, we found 21 pieces of rubbish.

This time (24th September) we found 35 pieces... MORE!

Last time on the big playing field, we found 73 pieces of rubbish.

This time we found 109 pieces... MORE!

Last time on the driveway, we found 90 pieces of rubbish.

This time we found 42 pieces ...WAY LESS! 

Last time in the sandpit and little kids playground, we found 51 pieces of rubbish.

This time we found 7 pieces ...WAY LESS! 

Last time in the big kids playground and the grass beside it, we found 78 pieces of rubbish.

This time we found 32 pieces ... LESS! 

Last time, outside Rooms 5 and 6 on the tennis courts and in the hedge beside it, we found 41 pieces of rubbish.

This time we found 43 pieces ... NEARLY THE SAME

Last time, outside Block A (Rooms 7 and 8, the Library and the Activities Room,) we found 31 pieces of rubbish.

This time we found 64 pieces ... MORE! 

Last time, outside Block B (Rooms 1,2,3 and 4,) we found 121 pieces of rubbish.

This time we found 20 pieces ... WAY LESS! 

Last time, we counted 506 pieces of rubbish altogether.

This time there were 352 pieces ...



  1. wow there big different were rooms 1,2,3,4

  2. Sorry for the late comment. Did you come up with any reasons why the rubbish was less? Also what types of rubbish are you finding? Our guess is chip type packets and gladwrap. We found a lot of plastic drink bottles after Pet Day and rubbish or paper that isn't being put in the rubbish bins properly.
    Finally did you re do yoiur hunt around the 24th to 26th of October?
