Saturday 19 October 2013

Our Gardening Expert Visit

We decided that we wanted to grow our own plants to put in our painted terracotta pots, once they are finished. So we invited Mr Crawford along to help us ...

First we put seed raising mix in seed trays and wet it...

Then we flattened the soil gently with a block of wood to get rid of any holes in the soil that water could lie in...

After that we put the seeds on top. We tried to spread the seeds out and put them in rows.

Next we sprinkled a little bit of seed raising mix on top, just enough to cover the seeds.

Then we used a water sprayer to wet our seed trays - just a little bit...

Finally we put the date on the seed packets and poked them in the side of the seed trays before we put the seed trays 'to sleep' inside a big black plastic bag for five days.

 Thank you for helping us Mr Crawford!